
About Critical Pass

Critical Pass is the leading producer of bar exam flashcards. Each year Critical Pass helps more than 10,000 students prepare for the bar exam. Started in 2011, Critical Pass is now used in 300+ law schools across the country, and is part of the curriculum at several leading law schools.

Critical Pass flashcards succinctly break down key bar exam concepts, helping students synthesize and learn required material for bar exam success. We offer physical flashcards, sold on our website and Amazon, as well as an iOS and Android app. Critical Pass will soon be expanding our product offerings to include new products for current law school students. 

Critical Pass’s growth has been driven by making great products that our customers love (check out our reviews on Amazon or at law school discussion forums). Creating high quality products and happy customers is one of Critical Pass’s core values.

Marketing & Operations Manager

We are looking for an entrepreneurial professional to lead Critical Pass into its next stage of growth. The ideal candidate has experience growing e-commerce businesses or marketing channels, is highly self-motivated, and is excited about providing great products to customers.

Key responsibilities would include: 

  • Marketing Strategy: Oversee all marketing channels including digital and offline. Identify opportunities to improve our current marketing initiatives and develop and implement new marketing strategies. Primary areas of focus include managing digital advertising, creating marketing content, and managing social media accounts.
  • Customer Operations: Serve as the primary liaison to the customer, ensuring they have a positive experience and helping resolve any issues that might occur. This includes managing customer relations and support, overseeing distribution, logistics, and contractor management.

We offer a competitive compensation package including salary, performance bonus, and an additional stipend for medical and dental benefits. Critical Pass is located in Oakland, CA but we are open to remote working arrangements.


  • Entrepreneurial, self-motivated, and a fast learner
  • Excellent analytical, project management, and communication skills
  • Relevant experience in marketing, sales, and management (especially e-commerce and digital marketing/advertising)
  • Excellent organizational skills

Preferred qualifications:

  • Graduated law school in the last 10 years and licensed to practice law in at least one jurisdiction
  • Test prep or education experience
  • Web development experience

If interested, please send an email explaining your interest and qualifications along with a resume to


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